Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Author of Buried, Gerilyn Marin's True Ghost Story

I have the pleasure of featuring author Gerilyn Marin and her new novel Buried. But before I get into the story, Gerilyn told me an interesting story about paranormal activity some years ago. 

This very short, true ghost story takes place when she, her husband, and first born toddler were living in her great-grandmother's house. (Because, you know, there's creepy stuff in old houses.) 

Gerilyn: It was early in the morning and my husband had gotten up to shower for work, and I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. It must have been a good few minutes later, I was still wide awake and I felt like someone had come into the room—you know that very distinct feeling when someone is near you. I honestly thought I would open my eyes and my son, Alex (who would have been about three years old at this time), would be standing there. Nobody's there so I get up and go through the house, my husband was still in the shower and Alex was in his room, still tucked into bed from the night before, sound asleep.

Authors pull from their own experiences, and I don't doubt Gerilyn has more to this story that she's keeping under-wraps. For more of her ghost interactions, check out her blog tour.

Now, a teaser for Buried!

Like every resident of Fane’s Cove, Cadence McKenna knows her town is, well, odd. And yet, they’re accustomed to the near-daily supernatural happenings- so accustomed, in fact, that when Grey Addison moves to town and stays, she is shocked to find that she’s the only one who insists that there must be something strange about him. 

With her life-long—if minor—psychic sensitivity handed down from her grandmother, she knows that what she feels isn’t simple paranoia. After all, how many normal guys pay no mind to random poltergeist activity occurring right in front of them? 

Cadence can’t blame anyone for wanting to ignore that there might be more to his presence there- perhaps if he is a normal guy, it’s just the first sign that whatever it is about the town that drives visitors away is fading. She might have even grudgingly let it go, but then she sees Grey acting very suspiciously and knows that she can’t dismiss her feelings until she understands why he’s in Fane’s Cove. Even if it means sticking her neck out by pretending to get close to him . . . and learning more about her town’s history than anyone would ever want to know.

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