Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post Script, Post-College

A lot has changed since college. I've moved more times than I can count, visited places I'd only dreamed of, opened my life to three important new people, and started a new career and a new job.

I've lived with roommates, my parents, on my own, and in a dorm through an employer. It's been a wonderful adventure and I can't wait to continue it.

My writing has turned into career. My first book came out last month and I've already done a blog tour, live talks, and book signings. I have people talking to me about writing more, which I love and I've already started.

The encouragement has been more than I ever hoped for.

At the same time, I've been invited to live in paradise on the Big Island of Hawaii and work in a small library.

But it was a struggle to get here. I've had the lowest moments of my life since college also. I couldn't make ends meet or find a job like I thought my degree would provide. I lost a position that I loved because of my health and felt betrayed by the employer. I had to admit to myself and my family that I had a mental illness. I needed help. I struggled to open my heart to new loves and aspirations.

That's the thing though. You have to have those rough spots to get what you truly need.

You have to have to hit the bottom to motivate you to reach for the top again.

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